Saturday, October 27, 2007

My first post: a review of a very beautiful autumn

Here I am, writing my first post of my blog also known as "The Pink Ego Box". Why this title? Well, apart from being an alernative title of Muse's song "Instant Messenger", I consider that it suits the blog very well. Pink ego box....a collection of thoughts, more or less random, that build up a virtual person, my blogger ego. Hopefully it's a very pink one :))
And now to stick to the title. It's impossible for me to begin a journal like this without summarizing what has been the best autumn of my life. After an exhausting summer filled with exams and university madness, early September was set to make up for all the stress. A fun BCR Open Romania tennis tournament was beckoning and I was more than ready to go. I spent a great time at my friend Sandra's place, going to the tennis arenas and having fun in each of the 9 days of the tournament. Diego Hartfield, an Argentine player, caught my attention this year and I was very sad to see him leave early as he lost in the first round. Martin Vassallo Arguello, Andreas Seppi, Gael Monfils, Florent Serra, Gilles Simon and the Polish doubles team Fyrstenberg/Matkowski also got my support and fortunately Gilles managed to win the title. I wasn't there for the final but I'm really happy he won. I hope I'll be able to see my favorite player, Fernando Verdasco, in next year's edition.
After 3 weeks, I was on the Cluj-Napoca - Bucharest train again, this time heading there for a megaconcert: Muse, one of my favorite bands, was here for a show! I have to mention that I've never been to a concert before, I mean a concert of Iris 3 years ago but I'm not a fan of them and I couldn't enjoy it properly, so my excitement was out of control. Along with Andreea (my host), Aleka and their sisters we arrived at the rugby stadium 1 hour before the gates were to be opened and the queue was HUGE. We got in at about 7 pm, not long before the support act was starting. It was Brett Anderson, Suede's former frontman, who had a nice performance, but the public was a bit rusty, clearly anxious to see Muse. I'm a bit sorry that I didn't listen to Suede before seeing Brett because they have some really awesome songs. But I know now, so I can sing along the next time I see Brett live :)). Whenever that may be :P
Muse showed up after a 40 minute break, starting with "Knights of Cydonia" and delighting the public with "Supermassive Black Hole", "Hysteria", "Buterflies and Hurricanes", "Take A Bow", "Invincible", "Soldier's Poem", "New Born", "Sing For Absolution", "Apocalypse Please" and my favorite "Stockholm Syndrome". The crowd was great on "Time is Running Out", "Feeling Good", "Plug-in Baby" and especially on "Starlight", singing all the was great. I've never jumped and sang and shouted and clapped that much in my life. The best 100 minutes of my life. Absolute bliss.
After returning to Cluj, I got started with university....civil engineering is going to be a serious challenge for me because it has some subjects where I lack some basic knowledge like Physics or Mechanics. I hope I'll pass all my exams and get over this first year, because I heard that this is the worst.
Meanwhile, I found out that my favorite Romanian band, Omul cu sobolani, will have a concert in Cluj on November 17th. Woohooo!

I guess that's about all for today, I'm off to watch Tsonga vs. Grosjean on TV :)


Anonymous said...

Hey this is SAk, strait honored to be first in the soon to be 1,000 comments for my exceptionally awesome buddy Iza, so "Pink Ego" I'm glad you enjoyed the Muse concert this summer and I wish you da best with college. SAK

Shotokan Tiger Cats said...

Izaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :rock: I for one will certainly read your blog! Good luck with it ;)


Anonymous said...

awww, a lovely autumn indeed!!! And some great times spent together *hug* I look forward to your next posts Izaaaa and to our next reunion ;) VAMOS!!!!

Mihnea said...

"Pink Ego Box"... asta-i tare!!! :)) De cand pasiunea pentru pink??? =)) Oricum, spor la "bloggarit" si, nu uita, un blog bun se recunoaste dupa "longevitatea" sa...
So, speak your mind and write your thoughts! :P

Adelina S said...

Nu pot sa cred ca ai

Eu sunt posesoarea

Se pare ca suntem amandoua iubitoare de muse.